Golden Girls
Golden Girls of (your town)
With the co-operation of a local newspaper, a segment appears each week for 12 weeks featuring a ‘Golden Girl’ from one of the local Aged Care Facilities. This idea could be tailored to just one facility or several in the same town.
The local newspaper, and one or more local hairstyling and beauty businesses. If they were willing, just one hairstylist and one beautician is ideal
A basic hair and beauty treatment.

The feature to run for 12 weeks.
All Golden Girls to be established, treatments and photos done before segment starts in local newspaper.
Nominations are called for in the month prior to start.
Story or stories about the initiative and why, to run in the lead up.
12 winners are selected by the newspaper from nominations. This could simply be by lucky draw, or some other novel method.
Each winner then receives a FREE (pre-arranged) beauty and hair treatment by the local participating businesses. Next the facility arranges for their photo(s) to be taken to appear in the newspaper.
Segment features a Golden Girl with a few details about them or answers to simple questions, along with credit for sponsors.