NOTES: The main issues behind this are helping people contend with loneliness, and ensuring that those who need it, that they’re cared about. That said, it has implications for all people, no matter what their circumstances are. The name is just catchy, with ‘2day’ having the double meaning of today and 2 people connecting.
Let’s imagine a community club or group such as a Service Club or Church were to start a new initiative (program) called Connect2day. Imagine if such a program caught on and spread across the Nation.
The ‘how’ is open to further suggestions, but one method could be…
Determine and publicise that every Wednesday (or a particular day each month) becomes known locally as Connect2day.

All that means is that the local community is encouraged to be aware that each Wednesday (or other designated day) is Connect2day and to then consider making the effort to contact or connect with someone they know that day.
Let’s imagine a community club or group such as a Service Club or Church were to start a new initiative (program) called Connect2day. Imagine if such a program caught on and spread across the Nation.
The ‘how’ is open to further suggestions, but one method could be…
Determine and publicise that every Wednesday (or a particular day each month) becomes known locally as Connect2day.
All that means is that the local community is encouraged to be aware that each Wednesday (or other designated day) is Connect2day and to then consider making the effort to contact or connect with someone they know that day. Ideally, those who clearly have to contend with living alone would be the first order for attention, but any contact with anyone, be they family, friends or just acquaintances, would be beneficial.
Connect means whatever you want it to be - phone them, visit them, arrange to go for a walk with them, have coffee, lunch etc., offer to do a chore for them etc. I’m sure people will get the idea and be able to fill in the blanks.
Such an initiative could have a huge impact on those who contend with isolation and loneliness, while encouraging more people to get back to talking to each other face to face.
Such an initiative would also make a good news story in local media and possibly be the catalyst for something bigger.
Imagine if such a day was implemented as a National initiative by our Federal Government, not unlike “Life - be in it” etc.