Two products are currently available.
Good Company Table Mates.
These are ideal for aged care facilities, retirement villages or anywhere where older people would benefit from having something to read while they eat, relax or have to wait. Click here to read more.
Seniors Happy Life Magazines.
Twelve issues of this “amusing and highly entertaining” magazine are available. It offers a “good read” for all Seniors. Click here to read more.
Seniors Happy Life is the brainchild of Bob Holland, an enthusiastic 76 year-old who has had a long career in business. He is often referred to as an ‘ideas’ man and as such, has been instrumental in starting several businesses himself, or helped others grow theirs. In more recent years, Bob has been heavily involved in the media, and among other things, owned and operated several of his own successful regional publications.
The idea for Seniors Happy Life arose when Bob’s wife Jackie, was diagnosed with a rare but fatal brain disease called CJD in early 2020. She was given as little as 4 months to live. Jackie died in February 2022 at 72, after being fully cared for by Bob in their own home for almost two years. This experience and the grieving period that followed caused him to appreciate the plight of people in similar circumstances much more. Bob decided then and there, to commit the remainder of his life to try and improve the quality of life of older people, Seniors Happy Life is part of that process.
Seniors Happy Life is not intended to change older people’s circumstances, but it is certainly intended to help change the way they feel about, and negotiate, life. How a person ‘feels’, impacts on other areas of their life including their overall health and wellbeing, so anything that can improve how a person feels is worth pursuing. Today, more than ever, many people are having to contend with issues like loneliness, isolation, boredom etc. and often these can lead to forms of mental illness.
To that end, Seniors Happy Life already has available or is developing several resources to help in this area. Appropriate publications, activities, and new services are now either currently available, or in the developmental stages.​
More innovative resources will be available soon…